Tuesday, 27 August 2013

THE BOOTH - 2.1. - Sixth Form and Secondary School


THEME: Sixth Form and Secondary School.

WHO'S IN?: It's an all-new lineup! Mark and Davis are the guests. What a pair of sporting legends!

WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT THE BOOTH?: The panelists all have more important things to do.

FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING: Showing we're the cutting edge of (admittedly belated) satire, this is the first time we've ever had vaguely topical references, thus ensuring people stumbling across this episode in decades to come will be bewildered by the concept of Justin Bieber.

SIX DEGREES OF THE BOOTH: Mark was previously credited in the Christmas Special for "some sound advice". See, that's funny because he gave me advice about how to improve the sound so it's... Ah, forget it.

NEXT WEEK: We're keeping it in the family with an episode all about home life.

This episode can be found here. It is available for a few weeks to download for free here.

Monday, 19 August 2013

THE BOOTH - 1.5. - Christmas Special


THEME: Christmas Special.

WHO'S IN?: It's my old Film Show colleagues, Chris and James. Consequently, there's just a little bit of chat about movies. We only mention Star Wars. And Back to the Future. Jaws. The Bond films. Lion King...

WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT THE BOOTH?: The room temperature is apparently eighty degrees. To imagine it was Christmas, we had to use our imaginations really hard.

FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING: In a display of seasonal (well, I say 'seasonal' - we recorded this in November) goodwill, I, for the first time, release both guests at the end. I can't promise I'll be that generous in every show. After all, if I did, we'd have no format!

SIX DEGREES OF THE BOOTH: Chris recalls the time he wound up talking about robotic emus. Plus remember when Dan mentioned his appearance in a piece by a probably inebriated playwright? Yeah, that was James...

NEXT WEEK: We go back to class for Series Two. This time round it's Secondary School that is put under my comedy microscope (which I of course store next to my joke petri dish and my funny-looking lab coat). Like this episode, it was topical when it was recorded...

This episode can be found here.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

THE BOOTH - 1.4. - Nights Out and Parties


THEME: Nights Out and Parties.

WHO'S IN?: Dan and - sorry! Force of habit. It's Scott and Chris.

WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT THE BOOTH?: I lure contestants (well, Chris at least) in with questionable Pick N Mix. Plus, I note you can get out if you kill me!

At the time of writing, I remain alive. For now.

FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING: This episode is the first time I ask a contestant for two weird thoughts. Well, some people just can't be constrained to one...

SIX DEGREES OF THE BOOTH: The day I devised this project I was waiting for Chris to join me in the Booth.

NEXT WEEK: Ho ho ho! It's a Christmas special. It was topical when it was recorded...

This episode can be found here. You can download it from here.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

THE BOOTH - 1.3. - Primary School


THEME: Primary School

WHO'S IN?: Scott and, as always, Dan.

WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT THE BOOTH?: People never leave. The room is locked. I've lost the key. Despite all this, the winner gets promised freedom. I guess that makes me a liar. Please don't sue.

FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING: In the only example of me repeating a story, I recount for the first time how my thirteenth place in the 100 metres was announced to the whole school.

SIX DEGREES OF THE BOOTH: Antosh and Sam are mentioned as still hanging around. Presumably they were too busy snoozing or chatting to actually pipe up. Well, either that or they're not really there and I've lied (Again).

NEXT WEEK: The last episode of Series 1. Contains a musical finale of sorts.

This episode can be found here.