Sunday, 16 February 2014

G, that is a Good Question.

In 2013, I produced Simple As ABD, a podcast in which each edition featured questions based around one letter of the alphabet. I never got past F. However, I did prepare the scripts for a further three episodes. These are just some of the questions you would have heard if I had done Episode G.

GAGA - Have you ever been pursued by the pa pa pa pa paparazzi?

GALAXY - Star Wars is set in a galaxy far far away. Why don't more movies take place on chocolate bars?

GARDENING - If you have green fingers, why don't you go to the doctor?

GEOGRAPHY - Where am I?

GIFT - If it's the thought that counts, can I get away with saying I thought about getting you a present?

GOOFY - One of Mickey Mouse's pals is a dog and he also owns a dog. Which is his best friend?

GRAVITY - Doesn't it get you down?

GREAT-GRANDPARENTS - Are your grandparents great?

GUERRILLA WARFARE - When will the monkeys take over?

These Questions are The (H) Bomb!

In 2013, I produced Simple As ABD, a podcast in which each edition featured questions based around one letter of the alphabet. I never got past F. However, I did prepare the scripts for a further three episodes. These are just some of the questions you would have heard if I had done Episode H.

HEAVEN - Is a gay nightclub in London your idea of Heaven?

HELLO - Is it me you're looking for?

HALIBUTS - Do fish have butts?

HAMMERHEAD - Where are the sharks that look like nails?

HENS - Are you chicken?

HILL - Have you ever climbed up Harry Hill?

HOGWASH - Have you ever scrubbed a pig?

HOLY - Ever worshipped holy cheese?

HUMMINGBIRD - Do birds stink?

I spy with my little I - questions!

In 2013, I produced Simple As ABD, a podcast in which each edition featured questions based around one letter of the alphabet. I never got past F. However, I did prepare the scripts for a further three episodes. These are just some of the questions you would have heard if I had done Episode I.

ILLEGAL - Ever seen a sick bird?

IMAGINE - Imagine no John Lennon. It's easy if you try.

IMMORTAL - I'm going to live forever. I'm going to learn how to fly. Are you...

IMPOSSIBLE - How many impossible missions does Tom Cruise have to do before it's no longer impressive?

INCOGNITO - Where in the world is Cognito?

INSOMNIA - Do you think Al Pacino loses sleep over any of his films?

INNUENDO - Making euphemisms - is it hard?

Saturday, 15 February 2014

ABD was Not So Simple

In 2013, I started Simple As ABD, a podcast with a simple aim - each episode would consist of conversations based on questions starting with one letter of the alphabet*. The first show would be about A, the second B, and so on. Could I get all the way to Z?

Well, it turns out No.

I only did one block of six. Those editions, which cover A to F, together run for almost four and a half hours. The unabridged sessions are so much longer. It turns out that the show structure was too free which meant each recording essentially ran until we were tired. I'm proud of what I produced - it gave me a chance to have some of my favourite people back for some frivolous fun - but, when some of my dream guests couldn't make time to do the next series, I had no problem with stopping the show.

A few months later, I started A Way Day. It's just me at a mic doing two and a half minutes of topical jokes. I can go from writing to uploading in the space of a few hours. I get three out a week. It's far less work than Simple As ABD and it's very different to what I've done before, but I'm enjoying it.

*If that sounds familiar, yes, it's basically QI. I made sure to include a running joke in my introductions that rubbished my own programme and conceded theirs was far superior.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Love Is - A Poem

Love is wanting to hold hands.

Love is being extraordinarily excited to see your best friend.

Love is knowing it's good to share.

Love is basically like being seven.