Friday, 20 April 2012

As for whether Leonardo DiCaprio was really a passenger, we'll never know...

In the last week or so, some people on Twitter (or, as I believe the term is, 'tweeple') have come under metaphorical fire for admitting that they had no idea that the Titanic disaster was not an invention of James Cameron, and was, in fact, real. They have faced a lot of criticism (or, as I believe the term is, 'twiticism') over such ignorance, but can you really blame them for not knowing?

I mean, it's not as if the Titanic makes headlines anymore - it's not exactly topical. Well, except for the last few weeks in which we've been building up to the 100th anniversary, plus anytime any new artifacts are found, but still, if you don't read the papers, where else would you have learnt that it was not a work of fiction?

School? Sure, you might get a module on it, but what if you missed that term due to having rabies, scabies, or babies? The only thing you'd be left in no doubt to whether it's real is the Nazis. Honestly, every other year, pupils sit through another explanation of how they came to power. It's almost as if the government feels compelled to remind us not to be evil. Anyway, would you rather kids believe that Schindler's List is just some black and white film, than ensure they know that Kate Winslet was lucky to survive a sinking that claimed one thousand, five hundred and fourteen lives?

Seriously, if people aren't reading papers and missed that particular class, is it really that bad that they don't know Titanic is based on reality? I mean, it's not as if there's footage of the actual wreck included within the movie itself...

Oh wait, there is. Well, in that case, some people are just stupid.

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