Monday, 11 June 2012

Everyone's A Little Bit Racist (AKA an intro to episode two of 'The Film Show')

Onto Episode Two, and some more recurring themes and features have started to creep in. There’s the introduction of a topical debate, a hint of the customised introductions to come, and the first mention of a Delilah-load of Tom Jones tracks on the database. One thing that hopefully won’t be back though is that impression.

Yes, in a segway on how to improve Indiana Jones (which, come to think of it, should actually include him using a Segway), Chris does a somewhat dodgy Asian accent just after James tactfully avoided doing the same. Thankfully, as of yet, there have been no complaints so either people haven’t taken offence or don’t particularly care. Either way, it could have been much worse – people could have learnt we do the show in Blackface.

Moving on, this episode is not only noteworthy for, as aforementioned, additions to the format, but also questioning aspects of the old one. The penultimate spot, Trailer Trash, sees us debate both the name of the flick we’re meant to be reviewing and the title of the very feature itself. On reflection, perhaps it is not the greatest of titles, being as it is, a very American phrase (Then again, Caravan Crash, the British equivalent, wouldn’t have been particularly apt either). If anything, the greater criticism should be that it’s not a particularly original one as the Guardian runs a feature of the same name. Similarly, there are plenty of podcasts and programmes that run with the title, The Film Show, but then not all of them can claim to reveal the Sixth Sense spoiler as frequently we do.


My work here is done.


*Justin Timberlake does in fact expose Janet Jackson’s nipple during The Social Network – it’s just in the deleted scenes, that’s all.
*Chris had no need to correct himself - Jeff Brudges is actually in True Grit. He plays Drunk number three.
*The Star Wars Christmas Special is not the funniest thing James has ever seen . That honour of course goes to a skateboarding kitten on Youtube.

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