The year was 1997. I was but a boy who loved a certain hit animation film. It inspired me to make my acting début. That performance wasn't reviewed but if it had been, it would have definitely sounded a bit like this...
When reflecting on this production and the début of its young star, Brendan Way, the first word that springs to mind is ‘Nepotism’. The show is rife with it. For instance, said performer, apparently unsatisfied with simply playing the lead role (that of all-American hero, Sheriff Woody) also took it upon himself to direct and write the piece as well. Not only that, he cast his relatives and toys in the rest of the other roles. His parents have parts. His stuffed animals have parts. Even his brothers – including one who is barely a year old, have parts. This version of hit animation Toy Story then, if it wasn’t already obvious, is very much a family affair. This indulgent creative decision would not matter however if the play, an adaption of the picture book of the film, was any good. Alas the script (which is, a reliable source informs me, for no clear reason, written in large red font) reads like it has been, and indeed probably was, copied out verbatim. As for the acting, well, whoever said one should never work with animals or children was today never proven so right. The baby, for one, rarely looked focused and at some points might even have gone to sleep.
This of course brings us to our star. Having neglected to allow his ensemble the luxury of a rehearsal, he splits his stage time between reading his lines (it seems none of the company bothered to memorise a single syllable of their speech) and running the show. His first foray into the limelight as a result is hard to judge as he never is fully “on”. Saying that, and not taking into consideration his relative youth (he is only five after all), based on this display of so-called “talent” alone, I would advise he give up and go home. Luckily, given that this one-off took place in his lounge, he doesn’t have far to go. 2/5 stars. Would not recommend.
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