Sunday, 11 October 2020

Dead Drunk Detective: Scary Christmas

This post covers the first Dead Drunk Detective Christmas special. You can listen to the episode here.

Family, ugly knitwear, and a singalong - 'Scary Christmas' truly has everything you would want in a seasonal special. I could not resist writing a yuletide show, with all the tropes that entails, and putting a Dead Drunk Detective spin on it.

This is the first time that producer Katharine serves as the episode announcer.

While ostensibly acting as an additional finale for season two, the special makes references to, and features a villain from, the first series.

In continuing my preference for keeping locations vague, it is not specified where Hugh and Sarah live, but Betty and Johnny had to take a flight there.

Ah, the singalong. I've always loved whenever a television show does a musical episode and a Christmas special seemed as good as an excuse as any to have the cast sing. I specified 'Jingle Bells' in the script, then producer Katharine found the minor key arrangement we used in the show. To make sure she had multiple takes to choose from, we recorded a take before the audience arrived, but ultimately primarily (if not exclusively) used the live version.

Arfie's reaction to that take is included in the show as a post-credits tag. Ending episodes with an outtake from the show becomes more common in series three.

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