Saturday 27 June 2015

NFFD 2015

It's National Flash Fiction Day again!

Which means I should

a) promote The Flashnificents AKA the story collective co-founded by me. I write at least one jokey piece for it weekly. The group was inspired by our lecturer's attempt to write a story daily for a year.

Said lecturer incidentally founded National Flash Fiction Day. Which means today I should also

b) Write at least one story. So here it is.


Well, I’ve finished watching everything on Netflix. Time to go outside…

Oh God. What happened? The world is a wasteland. The landscape is flattened. The horizon is endless. Man, if only Netflix had streamed The Ten O’clock News

I shut my front door and the house collapses behind me. Shit. Looks like I’m going to need to a new place to sleep. And another laptop.

I walk for hours in seemingly unchanging terrain. I see and hear no one. Am I the only person left alive?

The sun reaches its peak so I begin to get thirsty. The dirt around me is bone dry. I can’t see an oasis. I try to produce some saliva to suck on. I fail.

I walk some more. Soon my legs go on automatically and my brain disengages. The journey becomes almost relaxing.

Night falls. I keep on walking. Dawn. I keep on walking. I lose track of how long it’s been since I left home. I keep on walking.

Finally I see something in the distance that breaks the monotony of my view. I run towards the mysterious mass in the sky. It comes into focus. No…

Giant letters hover in front of me.

Next episode playing in 10 seconds.




I fall to my knees.




I sob.




I hate myself.



  1. Bleak, dystopian, not a lot of laughs... Outside your comfort zone?
    (Picky points:
    '...seemingly unchanging terrains" is a little illogical - if a terrain seems not to change, why are there more than one of them?
    Should the title have a question mark?
    Do you have to pay royalties if you mention Calum Kerr by name?)
    Sorry I haven't contributed to The Flashnificents lately; I've been overwhelmed trying to field all the tweets from @FlashDogs - and all the other* authors included - about the new #Solstice anthology...
    [ *Oh, did I mention that I have two stories in both volumes of the anthology? :-) ]

    1. It's good to be out of the zone once in a while.

      Thanks for being picky. I've made corrections.

      That's not how royalties work.

      Well, as long as you're still writing...

      Congratulations on the anthology!

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